
API Documentation:IvyArtifactSet

A Collection of IvyArtifacts to be included in an IvyPublication. Being a DomainObjectSet, a IvyArtifactSet provides convenient methods for querying, filtering, and applying actions to the set of IvyArtifacts.

plugins {
    id 'ivy-publish'

def publication = publishing.publications.create("my-pub", IvyPublication)
def artifacts = publication.artifacts

    it.type == "source"
    it.extension = "src.jar"


No properties



Creates and adds a IvyArtifact to the set. The semantics of this method are the same as IvyPublication.artifact(java.lang.Object).

artifact(source, config)

Creates and adds a IvyArtifact to the set, which is configured by the associated action. The semantics of this method are the same as IvyPublication.artifact(java.lang.Object, org.gradle.api.Action).

Script blocks

No script blocks

Method details

IvyArtifact artifact(Object source)

Creates and adds a IvyArtifact to the set. The semantics of this method are the same as IvyPublication.artifact(java.lang.Object).

IvyArtifact artifact(Object source, Action<? super IvyArtifact> config)

Creates and adds a IvyArtifact to the set, which is configured by the associated action. The semantics of this method are the same as IvyPublication.artifact(java.lang.Object, org.gradle.api.Action).