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Defining and using a composite build

This sample shows how 2 Gradle builds that are normally developed separately and combined using binary integration can be wired together into a composite build with source integration. The my-utils multiproject build produces 2 different java libraries, and the my-app build produces an executable using functions from those libraries.

Note that the my-app build does not have direct dependencies on my-utils. Instead, it declares module dependencies on the libraries produced by my-utils:

plugins {

application {

dependencies {
plugins {
    id 'application'

application {
    mainClass = 'org.sample.myapp.Main'

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.sample:number-utils:1.0'
    implementation 'org.sample:string-utils:1.0'

Using command-line composite build

When using a composite build, no shared repository is required for the builds, and no changes need to be made to the build scripts.

  1. Change the sources of

  2. Run the my-app application, including the my-utils build.

cd my-app
gradle --include-build ../my-utils run

Using dependency substitution, the module dependencies on the util libraries are replaced by project dependencies on my-utils.

Converting my-app to a composite build

It’s possible to make the above arrangement persistent, by making my-app a composite build that includes my-utils.

cd my-app
echo "includeBuild '../my-utils'" >> settings.gradle
gradle run

With this configuration, the module dependencies from my-app to my-utils will always be substituted with project dependencies.

While simple, this approach has the downside of modifying the my-app build.

Using separate composite build

It is also possible to create a separate composite build that includes both the my-app and my-utils builds.

settings.gradle.kts = "my-composite"

settings.gradle = 'my-composite'

includeBuild 'my-app'
includeBuild 'my-utils'

After doing so, you can reference any tasks in the included builds directly on the command line in order to execute.

gradle :my-app:app:run

Alternately, you can create delegating tasks in the composite project to execute tasks without specifying the full task path.

tasks.register("run") {
tasks.register('run') {
    dependsOn gradle.includedBuild('my-app').task(':app:run')
gradle run